Growing by resonance || A story of embracing change, together.

Cocoon Pro staff
Cocoon Pro
Published in
4 min readMay 11, 2023


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“Every team, every human system, reaches a point where we do face challenges, and we have this urge that we do that next step to make things happen or we have a strong claim that we address any situation of crisis or challenge. It is very important for any team to find their way to carve out space and think before actually entering into action. Because anything can be overcome in a collective sense of care and holding each other in the process.” E. Gaveglia, UNDP Maldives

This is the story of the UNDP Maldives team, who chose to bravely learn and grow through facing their challenges. We had the pleasure to accompany them in a journey of discovery of their true potential and its exponential impact.

Embracing the unknown

After 2 years of missing face-to-face interactions as a team due to the global pandemic and with quite a few systemic challenges to deal with, it was high time for an all-in Strategic Retreat to be finally held in person.

By the end of the design phase, we came up with an interwoven flow of CORE2 method and Open Space Technology (OST), setting a safe ground for a journey into the unknown. They were getting ready to sail with no predefined agenda, just a powerful invitation to catalyse the collective energy to an open conversation.

“We did not really have an agenda, which is something very new to us. And I think I was pleasantly surprised. People were talking and it was flowing in a very organic and natural way. Quite honestly, it was very refreshing to have the acknowledgment and trust we can well decide what we want to talk about in defining our vision for how we want to appear as an organisation” A. Shaheer, UNDP Maldives

Off we went, the journey was first rooted into the recognition of UNDP Maldives’s identity as a team. With the help of the CORE2 Method, they looked at who they are through the lenses of their relationship with the ecosystem, particularly in terms of contribution and value creation on one side and resonance on the other.

From there, the direction was quite naturally set by the evolutionary tensions emerging as their aspirations for the future freely unfold during the OST conversations.

It takes trust to speak one’s own truth, and courage to let everyone’s voice be heard. And the prize for this is the magic of unleashing the full potential of the system, while creating the conditions to make change possible.

Making sense of what’s next

It’s only after quite some listening, conversing and making sense of the collective voice, that the team was ready to be set in motion, converging its energy on concrete goals and actionable steps, instilling a positive and unique dynamic to the whole.

“ I think at the beginning there was a lot of skepticism about a situation of pain and challenge the organization is facing, but I think throughout the process the belief was taking over and I think we end up in a good place where people can see where we are going and they actually believe they collectively can achieve and surpass any kind of challenge they have in front of them. That was the most important thing for me to see.” E. Gaveglia, UNDP Maldives

So, if you are wondering what happens when you open up a safe space for people to express their concerns, share challenges, channel their passion, now you have a hint of what the answer could be.

Enjoy the video of UNDP Maldives’ story to dive deeper.

You can explore more about this story here.

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